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SEND programme

SEND kits and bags

Explore your way! We have a number of sensory backpack and explorer kits available for you to borrow.
Sensory backpack

Explore the Museum galleries with our sensory backpack and find out about the special animals in Roald Dahl’s life and his stories. The backpack activities can be done during your time in the galleries and can be self-led or facilitated by a Session Leader. If you would like the activates facilitated, please indicate this at the time of booking.


With the backpack, your group can:
  • use a spotter challenge to discover animals that inspired characters in Roald Dahl’s books
  • play a dice game and make animal movements or sounds
  • explore different animal-themed textural materials
  • experiment with mark making to draw pathways, tunnels or dens for animals
  • take away a beautiful activity sheet to complete at school or home


Backpack contents:

Cuddly goat called Alma, torch, magnifying glass, animal fidget toys, popper fidget toy, animal groan tubes, sound button, bag of textures, dice, visual story, Museum map and emotions card.


Explorer kits and quiet space kit

Explorer kits include sunglasses, ear defenders, baseball cap, Makaton cards, fidget toys, torch, magnifying glass, large photographs, Museum map, basic trail and emotions card.

Some of the contents of our SEND explorers kits on a dark grey table. There are red ear defenders, a yellow cap, a green magnifying glass, fidget toys and emotion cards

Quiet space kit includes a pop-up tent, weighted blanket, ear defenders, Museum map and emotions card.

Pop up quite space tent as assembled in a gallery space. The tent is open on one side and large enough for a child to sit in. It's brown on the outside and white and silver on the inside.